Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Con Murphy is a comedian.


That’s her on the piano.

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He’ll be falling slowly after that insinuation anyway!

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I don’t think it’s any big secret both of them have spoken about it

Fuck that, he has no smalll kids, he should be in the pub, a fraud.

I always wondered how he kept it up, and now I find doesnt drink…at all basically. Sunday World Conman

Con is Buff Egan follying in

Buff is correct on this occasion.

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He’s not wrong


Stopped clocks and all that. Ewan and Kev must be the most posted Twitter handles on the board

Amateur hour

No problem to reschedule. Loads of seats available

Julian Benson, Greg O’Shea, Nicola Tallant, the leaders from Operation Transformation.

Stellar line up again
Edit - never heard of first lad

He’s a judge on the RTE Dancing with the Staff show

In more positive news, the Tommy Tiernan show returns on Saturday night

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Himself and another lad were tycoons in the tobacco industry back in the day.
The other lad left to go into the hedge fund business.


A whole lot of promo for RTE shows there

RTE are a government sanctioned pyramid scene at this stage

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They’ll get some “gas characters” applying for that