Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

A whopper in store

Brian Cox
Santis O’Garro
Lynn Scarff

Music from

Cuckoo’s Nest
Mike Hanrahan
Aoife Scott
Tommy Hayes
Frankie Gavin

Brian Cox, Cuckoo’s Nest, Santos O’Garro, Lynn Scarff.

Portmarnock will be proud

Will they :thinking:

Yes. Martelllo court opposite the centre i believe? She used to run the science museum in tcd. Sound out.

I’ve no idea who you’re on about but I’m ruling out Brian Cox and the male musicians

It might be a different Lynn Scarff im thinking of… not sure why shed be on the late late either

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Cuckoo’s nest getting a well deserved recall. Terrific on the Toy Show.

Wow, is it possible no one here watch TLLS last night??

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I was out - playing cards.

Lee Keegan
Katie Hannon
GearĂłid Farrelly
Nell Mescal

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One might be tempted to think this is a pisstake but it’s not.

I’ll watch Keegan.

Not bothered about the rest but i might tape SELLÓ


The Farrelly fella who used play football for Villa? What’s he doing?

Stand up comedian now.

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A proper dual star

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Be hard to call that a stellar line up

Not for the first time Lee Keegan is let down by the supporting cast.


He is a solicitor in the UK now.

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Jaysus a few godhelpusses in Mayo jerseys in the audience.