Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Ryan comparing Lee to Jacinda.

That was beyond boring Tubs had zero interest


That absolute dose from First Dates a couple of weeks ago sitting behind the Mescals there.

Who the fuck are they??

This lad rapping is horrific.


First question Tubridy asked Lee Keegan - you could have been here as a rugby player?



Here’s what’s been described as a comedian Gearóid Something.
I’ll probably have forgotten him by breakfast time. He’s melojeon.

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Ah lads, what is this now?

A TD doesn’t feel safe in their home. But some of them don’t even have homes. Like WTF

‘I’m exhausted’

Wayne McCarthy hiding behind the couch

Not sure anyone makes me so irritated in life than listening to Holly Cairns.


I love how Holly pronounces home. Hoewmmm.

Is Holly from the Donnybrook end of West Cork?


All joking aside, is the stuff they’re describing just the normal shit that politicians have to put up with regardless if their gender? That doesn’t make it right but they’re saying this is a female only problem when it’s not

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I’d vote for Holly twice if I could


Neasa is a great politican

Did someone say earlier that the 20th of Jan was the day @Mac moved to the far right?

Reading his post there, they were right

did @Thomas_Brady radicalise him?

Your bully boy tactics might work on others but not on me

Colm BairĂŠad, Cleona NĂ­ Chrualaoi, Senator Lynn Ruane, Miriam Margoyles, Conor (Sketches) Moore, Daryl McCormack, Karina Molloy.

I’m gonna say it’s almost certainly the first time I’ve ever seen a late late show lineup (I read it here every week) when I do not know a single person

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