Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Miriam Margoyles is quite famous

She is and so unfortunately is Conor Sketches. Yer one Lynn Ruane would be well known enough too.

Peaky Blinders actor?

No idea. Iā€™ve never watched it.

What an uninspiring line. Itā€™s the week for Brolly versus Dick Clerkin, a chippy nordie (McAleer), MHR to rail against Sitka and a choon from Marty Mone.

Season 9 Reaction GIF by The Office

Who Is This Owl GIF

I wonā€™t see it

He was in Bad Sisters

This Tubridy is one sanctimonious, fawning fucker. He had a few of the Oscar nominees on there (their names escape me) and he eulogising them in his usual patronising tone.
Heā€™s winding up and wishes them the best on the night - great if we bring home a few trophies butā€¦ ā€¦but itā€™s not the be all and end all - itā€™s great to be nominatedā€¦ā€¦
Fuckin poor mouthed Paddyspeak - great to get to the final and shurā€™ what harm if we donā€™t win bollocksology. Theyā€™re not going to do the walk of honour into the auditorium like marching behind the Artane bandā€¦ā€¦
Bate before we get on the fucking plane type of shite. A patronising cunt.


Lynn Ruaneā€™s laugh is very subtle. Youā€™d barely hear it

Senator Lynn Ruane has wintered well.

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What will Emer have to say about this???

This mirium one is a tonic, tubridy canā€™t handle her spontenaity


Was interested to read last weekend that he got 300 points in the LC at the first attempt. Went to Athlone for a while and dropped out. Ended up going back to repeat and got 500 points the second time and went on to pursue a degree in finance.

I actually donā€™t know a one of these cunts!

Tubs ā€˜I enjoyed it immenslyā€™
He was absolutely shitting it the whole interview


She is in her hole.

This wan singing here has a lovely voice

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This Conor sketches lad seems an alright sort