Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Pat Short will fancy this.

A return to the old telly days…

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I’d say Zamps will get it.


He’s been gone too long

The woman who walked out of a Tommy Tiernan gig could be in with a shout

Works for RTE
Existing media profile


Claire ‘I did my time in a bubble on national tv’ Byrne will be a shoe in I imagine.

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Joe Duffy deserves a shot at TV. We can have funny Friday nights.

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will his salary be cut to reflect the lighter work load


Swap with Graham Norton presumably?

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Good one

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Norton not eligible due to him possessing some talent

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This role will require someone with gravitas.

I’d be all over Claire Byrne there. If you catch my drift

Angela Scanlon at 66/1 is a good shout.

They couldn’t even get Marty’s name right and he is the obvious man for the job.

Joe Brolly. Extensive RTE experience, can do serious stuff, can do yarns, BOX OFFICE.

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Haven’t seen LLS in a long time.
Who’d be most likely to entice me to watch again?
Matt Cooper I think. Most of the others mentioned are unbearable.



Clare Byrne would be very good at the weekly cancer/terminal illness slot.
She loves a bit of misery so she does.

She’d never ask a Blueshirt a hard question either. Its hers to lose.

Edit. See you got there before me!