Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

With that stable of talent, we need a rotating presenter…depth chart like the Irish Rugby team

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He needs to sit down with a cup of tea and half a biscuit and plot his next move. Maybe call a solicitor.

It didn’t bother them with any of the rest of the people on air in RTÉ

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That’s true, I wonder why she never went at the news reading for RTE

Are you talking about Byrne’s or Seoige’s weaknesses?

Donna Air knows so little about Ireland she asked the Corrs how they met. Herself and Trigger never got to procreate, sadly

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I’d love to see her ask that question of the Burkes of Castlebar.

I forget now, I think I was implying Grainne was stiff and a bit of a bitch. She had a lot going for her though and was a star.

She was as dull as a wet week in Tuam in fairness


I haven’t read back over the posts so forgive me if this gentleman is already mentioned. I suspect it might be a carkie about to take the throne

John Creedon?


They may pull the plug on it if they give it to that dud.


Lottie Ryan’s time is now.


They’d be better off pulling the plug and showing a film at this stage


TG4 have that demographic covered :cowboy_hat_face:

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Des cahill

I reckon a dark horse like Ray Foley or Matt Cooper.

Paul Galvin could be an interesting outside bet

To shake it up a “disrupter” like Wollie could be a shout