Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Hard to believe life was so simple less than a month ago.


Gay shows himself up as a sneery auld cunt there

He must have knew it was coming

The timing seems to be very convenient

This impact of this story could be significantā€¦

The credibility of COVID19 ā€˜golden boyā€™ is being badly tarnished here. Grubby stuff.


If you know, you know.

Lads on here lauding the false, fake prick for unheralded acts of kindnessā€¦ do me a favour.

Heā€™s a lankier male Holly Willoughby.


Itā€™s genuinely hilarious reading all these lads crowing about how they were right all along and ā€˜lads on hereā€™ lauding Tubs etc etc like they were finally ā€˜provenā€™ correct.

Iā€™d say Iā€™m the only poster here who ever had a good thing to say about Ryan, nice to know I figure highly in your thoughts :joy:

Sausages in a pan etc etc :grinning:

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There would be a good few lads on TFK whoā€™d trust nobody who was born in a city.

Tis part of the prejudice against you id say tbh

Jaysus the klaxon sounded and was answered there fair quick


Corkie wagons circling again.

You backed the wrong horse lads, heā€™s a lying prick.

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On come the usual suspects anyway @backinatracksuit the klaxon sounded. They were on like a shot

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Is tubridy cork?

No but he loves the Royals so heā€™s wan of their own


Heā€™s also a treasonous Cunt, so thereā€™s that too

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Be nice to John now.
Has to bury his father today.


Will you go to the funeral?

I have to go to one at 11 down in deepest west Clare. Otherwise, who knows?

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Christ thatā€™s harsh on Holly. You neglected to mention her wonderful Holly Willoughbobies and the fact that Tubridy resembles a skinny ferret.

They were room mates in Waterford sure.

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