Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Maybe, I had no time for Gay but never paid him no any attention either, if I ever watched the LLS it was for the guests
But it was his show, he presumably made it what it was when it was must see TV for adults, they should have let it go with him and at least rebranded.
I donā€™t know Kielty bar Iā€™d probably recognise him in the street but couldnā€™t be tuned in to Irish life anymore

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I have a vague recollection of him saying his was unhappy withbut after the first season. He took over the production in season 2 and thatā€™s when The Late Late Show, as we remember it, was properly spawned.

Itā€™s RTEs biggest cash cow. Itā€™s going nowhere anytime soon.

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Be interesting how this goes mind you in the new climate

Gay left the Late Late Show around 1964 and went off to England I think (or maybe the States). Frank Hall took over as presenter for a few months, flopped, and Gay probably came back with his tail between his legs after not making it elsewhere


Itā€™s pretty much live, bar the odd pre-recorded interview with a major celeb. Itā€™s often trotted out as an excuse when itā€™s compared to Norton.

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Frank Hall was some cunt. It would kill him to let you see a bit of tit when he was the censor and he carrying on an adulterous relationship with Frankie Byrne.


Was she the agony aunt?

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Yes. Dear Frankie.



Was Frankie flat chested?

Mate, you canā€™t say that

Mammarily challenged

Hi Mr. Hall

Thatā€™s the worst thing said about me on here in a long time

Really? And Iā€™ve seen some shit pegged in your direction

Shur they love me really

Tough station

The internet is serious business to these fellas. I wouldnā€™t worry.

She had a thing about Franks