Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

People are always on about the death of the format or whatever, but there is nothing wrong with it if you can get the right guests.

What they have been doing, the RTE canteen stuff and the saddest possible human interest stories on a Friday night every week is why people justifiably complain.

Best thing they have done is cut the number of episodes and cut the time. Kielty is 20 years removed from being on Irish television screens via BBC, so is fresh and pretty sharp.

Its fairly promising.


Tubridy killed the late late show. Pat Kenny may have been wooden but Tubridy was just awful, worse than the shit furniture he had put in.

Kielty is likeable, quick witted and hasnt been a RTE insider with Noel Kelly pushing his ‘stars’ on.

I hope he does well although there will be an awful amount of free state cunts ready to pull him down cos his accent doesnt fit well with them.


Christ :roll_eyes:. The persecution complex be strong

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The most important feature of the Late Late is the way notable Irish achievers in sport or otherwise are always on it when they make it big. Also people having 15 minutes of fame for some random reason. Someone who wins a medal at the world athletics, early days McGregor, some young actor like Barry keoghan. Also people like Vicki phelan or the sons of the American lad who got a bayting. The format is loose enough that all of these types can be shoe horned in at a weeks notice. They fill the rest then with canteen types. Maybe it being a bit shorter will help the pointless filler issue.
Ireland is small enough that it needs a show like this and I’m not sure other countries have anything like it.


Not a tenth of what he deserves to be honest, 99% of the time people are happy to turn the other cheek, but if you had him on your case for a couple of days you wouldn’t be long changing your tune.

Hilarious how the lad who doesn’t take it seriously posts and browses as much as the rest of us put together, this is his entire life despite the fact that he knows everybody in Ireland, seen everything ever on tv and holidayed absolutely everywhere in Ireland and abroad, all while constantly browsing TFK, a miracle :man_shrugging:

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Now buddy, me and him were having a friendly back and over, done and dusted…and you butted in…who’s lookin for the attention?

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Unorthodox I would say.


Agreed. Hall was a cunt.

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I though I heard they were gonna change up the music and get rid of the owl but it’s all there in the ad now :man_shrugging:

If Kieltys head does a full 360 we’ll be laughing

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Patrick Kielty: ‘Do I want to sit down and have a chat with Ryan Tubridy? Of course I do’

First guest of the new show sorted.

I’d say it would have 2million tuning in,


I think he wants to see who his agent is

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Ye could wear the Christmas pyjamas for it


The nation holds its breath

Lovely dig at Joe Duffy and tubridy

Already ahead gaybo and tubridy

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Grand Thornton and the flip-flops was a nice dig.

Another dig at tubridy.

This is great stuff.

"Grant Thornton and The Flip Flops "