Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Could you not just enjoy the show and give Tubs a night off from your mind?

Niche Sigerson Cup reference.

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There’s been more gaa on the late late tonight than there has been in the last 15 years

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The two big tits are Hector O’hEochagáin and Tommy Tiernan and sitting between them is Laurita Blewitt.

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Joe, tubs jokes, united Ireland, nordies on the telly.
We’re watching the sacking of the palace here lads


Another big positive is hector appears to finally have lost his voice

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Eoghan Harris fuming

Joe wouldnt want to get his one remaining kidney punched with those things flying around.

Mary McAleese is a class act in fairness.


I enjoyed Mary, she doesn’t give a shit, just says what she thinks. She’s thrown off the shackles of the presidential office.


I knew there must have been something to blame…

Classic dig there :joy:

He has Def picked his guests.

Hup the wolf tones

One less tourist getting battered in Dublin tonight

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Christ! Tubridy is turning in his grave


I don’t really like the Chasing Abbey schtik

The Two Johnnies up next….

Them boys did okay :clap::clap::clap:

cc @myboyblue


Italian piano house and diddly aye aren’t a good combination.

They’re still emptying the RTÉ canteen, but it’s probably all in their contracts to do three appearances a season.