Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Sugar is an awful can of piss

Ringo found his true calling later in life narrating Thomas The Tank Engine.

The fool, he could have been an edge Lord on TFK.

Nothing edgy about stating the facts

That Alan Sugar interview was done before an empty studio? Did they mention that before hand?

Sugar is a really interesting guest and Tubs makes an absolute hames as per not one decent question and jumping all over the place

Might explain why Tubs was shitting himself so much

He cracked a few jokes during the interview and you could hear a pin drop.

Did Tubs talk to Alan Sugar about the feud with Terry Venables @ChairmanDan @mickee321

what’s this ones story? Just switched on…

She’s from Limerick. Her father was Jason Corbett, they guy that was murdered by his partner in America.

She seems like a brilliant young girl.

oh yeah, i recall the book being on the news before Christmas but didn’t realize she was his daughter.

Molly Maertens and the father wasnt it. Think her auld lad hit fatal blow after she made it look like her life was in danger.

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Court case made it sound like it was much more of a conspiracy than that. They drugged him and beat him to death.

What an amazing child.


The father was ex law enforcement wasn’t he?


Niall Horan is doing more humming than singing.

WTF was that?

Yeah retired FBI agent. With a name like Maertens they must have been of Belgian/Dutch or South African persuasion.