Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Tubridy is a pathetic character when heā€™s trying to be down with the kids and fawning over someone he deems to be a genuine A-list celebrity.


Tough storyā€¦is he still playing with Munster?


Wife seems like an alright sort. Heartbreaking story tho.

What happened ?

Horrendous story. Very tough.

Indeed. This has never been mentioned publically before. Never referenced in newspaper nothing. They must be fundraising for something

New born, born with heart defectā€¦lived a few months.

Sheā€™s a great woman to be fair.


Hope all ok for them. Tough going.

Just donated. Thatā€™s breaking me in two. Over 89k in a few mins has gone in. Ireland is a great people.


Another 70k now. This is incredible

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125k donated since they were on

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Iā€™m not well after it myselfā€¦ The mrs is gone to bed bawling.

Throw up the link, Iā€™m just after switching over

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All these families deserve help

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The mrs has donated thereā€¦over 170k now.

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Isnā€™t it sad that in a rich country like ours people need to go and fundraise when their only thoughts should be of the child. The system is broken


This ladā€™s sister about to conk out :smirk: