Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I wonder will Tubbers do a countdown here.

Fuck off Tubridy

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Arlene Kelly?

They drank the soup…


I wonder does she know Seanie Quinn?

Senior or Jnr.

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Arlene speaking about getting shafted

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Tubs brought it up :sunglasses:

Tubridy is such a gimp.

Pussyfooting around this bitch.

I hope Tubs asks her about her time as a captain on A Question Of Sport.

Tubridy has been very good here. Has pushed ms Kelly without a cue card and allowed her show her prejudices

Surprised she hasn’t mentioned 1690 yet.

She’s gone about 10 minutes ago


would you?

This bit on the Holocaust is a nice way to wrap up a light entertainment show.


Ah ffs.

A historic appearance, a chance to listen, a chance to ask questions, an opportunity to get insight ruined by incompetence and a need to talk the most. This prick is as bad as Darcy and that’s some fucking achievement. Compare what we’ve just witnessed to Tommy Tiernan sitting down and chatting to z listers and us all getting an entertaining and insightful view of their lives by just shutting the fuck up


I’d say Arlene enjoys a bit of anal and having her gas turned off.

The audience probably would have clapped as well seeing as they lap any other shit up. Maybe there was an orange order collarette for everyone in the audience?

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Ryan was cold at Auschwitz. Must have been absolute torture for him.

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