Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Everything goes in cycles

I knew his young fella before he used to play a bit of rubby down in cork. Met Johnny with him one day, seemed like an ok fella but he enjoyed being famous id say

Johnny takes himself far too seriously

True that. A sneery little cunt actually .

Shay Healy is in a bad way.

That was a great piece. Johnny is natural and Shay Healy is a legend


Inexplicable piece here about a birth. I presume the tfk dads are in rapt attention here.

Grand hairy baby

A Doula FFS sake.

Is Tubs having a minutes silence for Brexit at 11 o’clock?

Did you have a Dualla?

Is this impending Arlene Foster appearance, which has been pitched as a Brexit Day interview, mainly a vehicle to attack SF and influence the electorate a week before the election?

I recall Paul Williams being wheeled out in 2016 under the guise of talking about the Hutch / Kinahan feud, but he turned it into an assault on SF, how they didn’t agree with the concept of the Special Criminal Court and were on the same side as these gangsters etc etc.

Now I’m back in the SF camp (for now) I’m paranoid about these things.


I’d say the whole thing was engineered to get Shay to come in was it?

I was the doula mate.

Arlene showing her feminine charms here.

I hope he asks her about the fornicating with her driver.

Her childhood in Fermanagh with her dad and the IRA will be brought up.

Only had to wait 30 seconds

Here we go