Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

And her mothers parents were turkey farmers

My better half said that too, the bastard

The Limerick lads are rallying around him though. They donā€™t care about poor Amber. She is distraught apparently.

Heā€™s from Clare mate

Heā€™s being very selfish

Pope Benedict on now. Singing a Pogues song.


The voice isnā€™t aging well

Good lord allah

This is fucking amazing.

What a song.

What a version.

So real. So fucking raw


I still love her.


That was class


Few things here.
How many Islamic women wear red burkas? Are Islamic women/men allowed to sing and dance in public, isnā€™t that why Cat Stevens gave it up? And she has a tanā€¦

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This is an interesting woman.

Still could listen to her sing all day longā€¦I did work in her house in glenageary a life time agoā€¦

Mad as as bag of Badgers

Fuck up. Iā€™ll gut you

She has new teeth too Iā€™d say!

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Sheā€™s singing nothing compares :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Iā€™ll take back the tan comment. Nice white teeth in fairness

The people who write, create and perform beautiful, transcendent music are never too far from the edge.

They are always interesting and compelling people. Is that their nature or does the music put them to the edge?


Stone cold legend.