Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

If you can’t feel good about a ugly tubby ginger Scotsman who doesn’t take himself too seriously and has made a great career for himself then you may as well just throw your hat at it altogether


Hes a modern day John Hartson

Capaldi seems like a nice guy but he’s no Paolo Nutini.


A psychology lesson from a comedian

This one is very important. She’s in a WhatsApp group with Jonathan Ross.

John Hartson is Welsh.

Well spotted farmer

I’d. Say she’s fond of fanny

Thanks for that captain obvious

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Christ, a feminism lecture from the comedian.

Signing out

So why are you equating him to a Scotsman?

This one is decent looking but boring as fuck

Who is this one? Honestly have no idea who she is. Aisling Bee or Bea, don’t know what she is famous for.

A dose but I would.

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What does she do?


Wasn’t she in that comedy with bods w8fe?

She’s in with that talented one. Sharon something. That one is fucking amazing

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I first noticed this Bea wan on a dearly departed quirky RTE comedy about a tiny fella who did quizzes. Was it called Trivia or something? I thought to myself “she’s quite attractive”. But then I saw her being interviewed a few years back and the attraction went immediately, she’ll be disappointed to learn. She’s a right pain in the hole. Her anecdotes are shit, especially when she recreates conversations and puts on voices. She’s terribly unfunny on 8 out of 10 cats. Fuck it, I want back into TFK misogyny crew.

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She made a fuck of 8 out of 10 cats

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Her mother was a jockey

She made a joke about it on 8 out of 10 cats. Wasn’t funny