Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Rte are doing their but to prevent coronavirus

Well we wonā€™t be winning in 2020 anyway if it goes ahead.

That is horrific.

Someone get a blowtorch.

what part of America is she from?

Will hit 999 on the machine

Jesus Christ

Youā€™re useless you silly cunt!

Sheā€™s gay as well of course, another positive box tick for RTE.

is she a lazer beam?

Yes but did we not have a few queerbos kissing in stage last time and we got nowhere with it and it was a far better song.

Thought Bob geldof on Tommy tiernan last week got rough treatment here ā€¦ Lads were hopping off himā€¦ The man has buried his daughter and his ex wifeā€¦so what if heā€™s self absorbed and thinks heā€™s great and loves to run his fingers through his hairā€¦ He gave a great description of the death of a loved one - he said something like the sense of loss comes in waves and you learn to accomdate it more than accept it ā€¦


A disgusting lesbian cunt

I hate Geldof but could listen to him speak all night. Partly because I disagree with his worldview and he challenges mine, but mostly because heā€™s a great oratorā€¦the utter cunt.


Sir Bob is obviously a very exceptional man and an unbelievable chat show guest but that doesnā€™t mean heā€™s not also one if the biggest cunts in Irish history.

One of my strongest memories of Sir Bob is a few months after the daughter had ODed he was on tv basically just boasting about how he used to sell drugs at a music festival on the Isle of Wright. In Bobā€™s defence how can you even hate someone so lacking in self-awareness as to almost have a personality disorder.


Loved the bit with Beautiful South. Touch of the Elton Johnā€™s about the fella and Stevie Nix with your one. Really uplifting song catalogue


Very hard to take a man seriously who sincerely feels that The Boomtown Rats not just changed Ireland, but also the entire world.

That said he was good talking about grief with Tiernan.

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Less of the sir, you lickspittle.

Sure did he not say last week he was with his girlfriend on tour and then a few sentences later that basically if you are in a rock n roll band you have a different woman every night! Weā€™re all walking contradictionsā€¦ I liked the story about his da coming home late from work in the evening and engaging him and his sisters by making outrageous comments and seeing if they would pipe up and could argue their caseā€¦

Phenomenal cuntishness. Barry is one of the few (only?) successful Irish people from the proper ā€˜underclassā€™. His success is made even greater for me when I see the snobbish hateful attitude fellas here have to fellas like him. Fair fucks to the man