Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

I’d definitely ride her.

Ricky Gervais was right

And then you have other clowns encouraging violence against women


A lot of classism here towards the Love Hate chap. Some chaps here hate to see a working class man make a success of themselves, they probably vote FG and FF and have a chip on their shoulder about their lack of intelligence/graft/innovation/personality so they cling onto to the hierarchy of societal class to keep them above others.


This site is very egalitarian where it comes to knocking late late show guests . The site does not discriminate in its dishing out abuse — , class , creed , gender , nationality , ethnicity , etc are disregarded


JP is hated as equally as the tinker trying to rob the copper out the back of the Manor

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The “Little TFKers” hate rich people too.

I was just thinking yesterday about the young lads from Blackrock who were having unreal horseplay by the pool and bleeding Blackrock a few months back. I was just thinking that in fairness to those lads, if you had average intelligence and no real talents or exceptional characteristics at all and you owed your elevated station in life entirely to the school that you went to, in those circumstances you’d probably bleed Blackrock too.


Behave yourself Fran and less of the bitch acting.

Tubs on his show this morning having a cut off the trollers of the world on social media who had a cut off of Barry Keoghan and his appearance on the LLS Friday night. He was very upset but in a dignified way so as to not give the trollers oxygen. It was a fascinating listen.
cc. @TheBird @PhattPike @grapes @Smark @Iggy


He was trolling Trump himself about his hair, weight and KFC diet the other day. Hypocritical wanker.

I calls it as I sees it. Of course tubs would side with a lad off his head on coke.


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Morto for Limlick.

We have dodged a bullet here. It’s truly an ill wind that doesn’t blow some good.

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Couldn’t shift any tickets? Audiences seeing through the weekly Rte staff love in


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The Late Late Show WILL GO AHEAD.


Niall Horan will help us all through this.

We are gone full coronavirus here.

The missus is rapt here with the dish washing advice