Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Cahill is a cunt


Des has called it, the Euros are OFF!

Unfortunately we’ve been implementing reactive policies since day 1. We will see incremental restrictions as it escalates instead of preemptive restrictions to slow down escalations

That is the pattern we are now in.

The ball is in society’s court now to ensure we behave responsibly and help protect the vulnerable

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not a fan but he came across well there I thought

He is a twee simpleton


He half defended Cheltenham going ahead by saying but sure the soccer went ahead


He didn’t seem to appreciate the passage of time element at all.

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It might but we wont know it had worked for a while after that. This is an 8 or 10 week issue minimum

A clown obviously.


From the data it looks like we are 7 weeks from the peak

We can kick it but we can’t kick it to death. We can buy time and possibly keep it down for a while but it will probably bounce back up. Ultimately only herd immunity and/or the arrival of a vaccine will solve this crisis.

Treatments that mitigate the effects of the virus will surely emerge however. I mentioned a massive worldwide drive to produce ventilators. Something like this has to be doable when humanity puts its mind to it. On C4 News this evening there was a report from a lab which was clearly in the North of Ireland (they didn’t want to give away the location for fear of looting) which says it’s a week away from coming up with a mass producable self testing kit which will give results in ten minutes.

Doing everything to buy time is the only human response. Going straight for herd immunity as the Brits seem to be aiming for seems completely nuts.

A long slog of a year or more could well be in the offing and a sort of worldwide Marshall plan might be necessary for the duration of it.

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Yep and a few weeks after that to figure out that the peak has passed…and still probably on precautionary distancing fir few weeks after that

I wont lie to you pal. I am freaked off my fucking head about this. Iv spent the last few weeks firefighting related issues in my job and the magnitude of it has only hit me in last few days


He engaged in some cringeworthy banter on the radio this morning on the show before Morning Ireland.

The robot made a funny

A little fear is understandable and not a bad thing here mate. As long as you don’t let it overwhelm you.

Ultimately we can only control ourselves and our mini environments. Do the right thing even if its the hard thing


I wasn’t really listening to Des there because I usually have him on a sort of mental ignore button but I thought he sounded a bit under the weather on the radio this morning.

I imagine him as the sort who is susceptible to getting this virus early.

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Solid advice

These cunts have a factory of soundwriters
in One Direction

Decide they want to go solo and get respect. Would they not keep a songwriter on their phone.

Any other action results in staff shortages & disruption and only lengthens a hurtful time for businesses regardless imo.


Any other action cripples the health services and creates unnecessary deaths