Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

The view from my employer is that this is a 3 month issue. Minimum.

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Niall Horan on now. With his extended family in the audience.

Your employer knows no more than any of the rest of us.


What happened to no audience?

Filmed earlier in the week ?

I have switched over to this. What a load of shite.

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Ryan appears to be wearing the same suit and shirt

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Tubs said filmed a couple of weeks ago.
He looked healthier than he had in months on tonight’s show.



I’d like to see Tubs bring in a weekly stand up comedian spot in subsequent weeks. See who’s actually funny without an audience.

This is fucking horrendous

He has a lovely voice


Like a moth to a

I was admiring the wind up.

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Anthony Foley tribute up next. The lad Munster fans were hounding until he died.


Olive Foley is a very dignified lady. It’s not easy to get on with life in her case never mind in the public eye such as tonight. Credit where its due.


Watching on +1. Time to change over. The wife was very impressed with the bit from the Fair City studio. Public service broadcasting at it’s best.

Did she send you out for the rubber gloves