Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

and the white vestments.

Thought des Cahill stepped up to the plate there.

Was there a tub of Just for Men on the plate or something?

He probably has the virus


Heā€™d be well used to that

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This is a gilt edged opportunity for the LLS to reclaim itā€™s position at the heartbeat of our little nations bosom. With fuckall else to do it may well become the highlight of peoples Fridays again, how will they rise to the challenge?

Probably with Oliver Callan and Brendan Oā€™Carroll


Paschal Donoghue is on tonight. Heā€™s more entertaining than both of those and he doesnā€™t even have to try

Tubs talking about sacrifice still pocketing north of 500,000k a year

His outgoings are going to skyrocket given unprecedented inflation in the powder industry due to travel restrictions, so kinda see his point. He seems deflated even this evening.

Tough times ahead for all in the corridors of Montrose.
I wonder will they blame social mediaā€¦

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Holy Fuck this has disintegrated into full on free to air Panic Porn!

Bannon made shite of Daniel and Majellas house

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Sinead Oā€™Connor doing her best Christy Moore sweating impression

is this from September?

What happened this wans face?

It could be. Iā€™m not a regular viewer

Some voice all the same

Yes mate, Tubs just confirmed