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Whether the UK are paying their citizens full Covid wage or 10%, what difference does it make to us here? What about the Swiss, Germans etc.

There are nationalists living in the 6 counties that consider themselves Irish

WHat has that got to do with it? There are Paddys living in England.

What’s your argument here. Fuck any Irish person that doesn’t live in the republic. Isn’t your goal to be an ex-pat?

Billy Holland fucking hell :cry::cry: needed that good news story

No, I said what does it matter what they’re getting in the UK for covid payment. It makes no odds to me as I’m Irish and work for an Irish company. “Ex pat” is something you’d hear a tan say, so no, my intention isn’t to be an “ex pat”…
Why wasn’t Ryan pissing and moaning about what they get in other countries or don’t?
Usual Mick shit. “Well, in England they do it like this…”.
I couldn’t give a shite what they do in the UK. Since a good whack of their population voted out of the EU for jingoistic reasons, I couldn’t care less about what they do or don’t do.

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You were looking to get off to spain there before the airports closed.

Theres irish people in the UK and all their families are here. There are Irish people in the North who are greatly impacted by these policies.

Wind your neck in

Tubs’ shocking FF tendencies showing in his interview with Paschal

Are you not reading my posts? I am talking about payments, what Tubs asked about payments. Their approach to covid is a disaster yes.

Those payments will be going to a hell of a lot of Irish people

Yes but what difference does it make TO PEOPLE IN IRELAND what they get in the UK. Why does Ireland always have to compare compare compare to the UK…?

Absolutely, that tan money is of no fucking relevance to us. Be more in he’s line to ask why we haven’t banned the cunts coming over here after Boris’s fuck up so far

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He was using their example of guaranteeing 80% of monthly salary up to a max of £2.5k to to see if the Irish government could commit to providing more than the €203 payment per week for those who’ve lost jobs. Big difference in the numbers there.

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A lot of irish people have limited companies in the UK. It makes a huge difference.

We’re intrinsically linked. Whether you like it or not

Pascal the Rascal came across very well tonight

It made no difference in the context of tonight’s interview. If it were a BBC programme, then yes, the question would be relevant for any business owner in the UK.

If Switzerland guaranteed 99% of their monthly salary, would Ryan have used it as a comparison?

I can’t see this one taking off

No because there aren’t a few hundred thousand irish in Switzerland

If there were, what difference would it make to me and what I was getting from the govt? Zero.
Are you expecting the Irish in the UK to be wiring a share of their money home or something?