Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Absofuckinglutely they will.

Thatā€™s been happening since the 60s

Not in Clare (is that a Clare jersey in your avatar ?) anyway

Do you still borrow your relatives suit when they come home?

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Your argument here is that some irish people are better off than others in terms of help and someone on a national platform tried to ask a person who could answer why that is? It was a leverage to ask why we arenā€™t getting the same terms.

Not Clare nor anywhere

Thereā€™s lots of things we donā€™t have in Ireland that they have in other countries. Such is life. He might as well have asked him why we canā€™t have a siesta like they do on the continentā€¦
Iā€™m not saying we shouldnā€™t get the same terms as the UK, but at the same time, why should we?

@Tassotti did that when Fintan was going to school in Flannanā€™s.

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Ok mate. A strange thing to get hung up on. In my opinion. I hope youā€™re keeping well

Iā€™m sure there is some other country going to throw out a better gesture than the Brits, but weā€™ll not hear about itā€¦ Itā€™s always ā€œUK this, UK thatā€.
About time we start taking our cues from places like Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden etcā€¦ not that prick Boris and co.

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They arenā€™t intrinsically linked to us and donā€™t share a land border.

Weā€™re tied mate. Accept it or it will ate you alive

The only good thing they churn out are musicians.

And most of them are irish. The Gallagherā€™s, morrissey etc

Morrissey has turned into the musical equivalent of a TFK poster.

Hang on now, there is 5 of us here. Which one?

Paschal Donoghue was brilliant there. Really good.

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Agreed. Both of us here said the same

Our ā€˜caretakerā€™ government are leading maybe it needed a crisis like this but fuck me they are doing a good job

Theyā€™ve come in to this crisis in the backdrop of political turmoil and theyā€™ve handled it very well.

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Bless him but heā€™ll try all the same

There was a Jew in lisdoonvarna who used to be at that craic. His mother was posting home cash every week to avoid inheritance tax @Raylan @Big_Dan_Campbell might know them