Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Just clearing his throat, Iā€™d wager every performer does it but usually have the masking of a clapping crowd.

Heā€™d need to put on 2-3 stone

Miriam streets better than Tubridy on so many fronts is the biggest lesson from tonights show


Didnā€™t chris de burg once say that hozier used always be in his house as a kid. Pals with one of de burgs kids

Probably not dipping your nose into a box of persil before every show helps


Yep he did. Always refers to him by his first name too

Thatā€™s a stunning version of The Parting Glass :clap:


Hozier knocking this out the park, as youā€™d expect from a fella who was in Anuna.

Iā€™d imagine wouldā€™ve been Amazing to be exposed to that kinda celeb as a kid

RTE are trying to kill him. They have serious form lately.

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This lad is an all rounder tbf

Great song, great singer

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Sheā€™s definitely way better for the serious stuff. She couldnā€™t be worse on sport either.

great tune

The serious stuff is her bread and butter sure. She may as well be in Prime Time mode. Youā€™d struggle to see her handling a Toy Show though

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Has she not handled more kids than Billy Barry?


Thereā€™s a tap in there for someoneā€¦ Scrub the word Show andā€¦



She has, doesnā€™t mean sheā€™d be good at the show though

Last time he was on he was telling tubs he had that problem. Thats why hes not touring