Late Late Show - The Misery Porn channel

Absolutely. Nowt wrong with it at all.

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Catching up now as gave up when bod came on

Jesus that was utterly brilliant

I also gave up when BOD came onā€¦ I discovered house party tho.

Pogues do a great version

You managed to last through Brendan Oā€™Carroll ?

I fucking hate The Parting Glass

So did I. Fucked off after Muckyheartick

Over rated

Christ, thatā€™s superb.



It would move a stone.

Nice to see the forum come back around to Andrew

Fine singer. Not a fan of his music though.

Anti church music, the devil always finds a way in and the media offer the platform.

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Neither am I but the missus bought tickets for us to go see him in the Point last December. I was probably never less excited to go to a concert in my life but have to admit, it was one of the very best shows Iā€™ve been to. His voice was something else, his band were fantastic and the show was as much about the visual side of things as the music. Iā€™d definitely go see him again but I still donā€™t listen to his music.

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Liam Clancyā€™s version of The Parting Glass is the definitive for me.

The opening line sends shivers down my spine.

I didnā€™t like the Hozier version at all.


To be fair to almost any band playing at the point, theyā€™re at a level where the show and musicianship will be top notch. Even if you donā€™t like the music , the delivery of the spectacle will be top stuff.

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These brave men. Iā€™m crying here.

This is bizarre. Did they not just do their normal job of flying a plane somewhere and flying it back?


Fuck this is ridiculous, just put on a decent film. Who wants to see some auld bat on a farm in Tyrone trying to skype.

An aul bat who forgot the words to The Pogues most famous song when she sang a duet with Shane McGowan