Late Late Show - Tubridy Terror

You don’t speak for all males. She is very attractive.

These ones have more class and are a lot more genuine than that last one with the fake tans

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“Slanty eyes” is a new low for this forum.pure racism

Ever since you became a welfare sponger you have become very angry

Didnt you say ivana backic was a stunner before?

Jaysus lads it isnt 1989 anymore. There is more to be doing than watching the fuckin LLS on a Friday night these days.
A documentary covering the birth of the punk movement in the UK on Sky Arts for example

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Is slanty eyes racist? But I didn’t say if I liked slanty eyes or not so how would you know if it were an insult? I think your reaction is an awful poor reflection on your love for your wife and your semi slanty eyed kids (slanty eyed kids are super cute though I’m sure they are smashing)

Sky Arts, Laa-dee-daa… some of us only have 4 stations.

Slanty eyed is a racist term mate

You are a vile wont work racist

How is it racist? Is it not just an adjective.

Like your use of blonde earlier?

I think your stoned and confused pal. Get your little girl to bring you a glass of water get you out of the funk

She’s wrecked.

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“Smoking hot”

I’d say your polishing your didgeridoo right now

O she be a good r

That was a fucking awful song.

Seems to be a nice chap though.

No wonder the country has a mental health problem when this is the best tv we can bang out.

It is like a limerick team a poor line up

Lovely classy looking lady. I’d go with her.

It’s brutal…tonight is a new low.

Hopefully Blindboy redeems it some bit.

At least you can laugh at Limerick.

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Forgot you were keeping your hand off your dick till the man in the 22c bag came out…limariiiickk citaaaaay kiiiiiid