Gerry must be having his nap.
Claire Byrne is owning the stage like Bacall.
Claire Byrne will be the clear winner tonight.
tweedle dumb and tweedle dee talking about rent supplements
Gerry has wonderful manners.
Gerry back to slogans.
A Ministry of Sound would be better
Indeed. I LOLed at that.
Joan saying Gerry was lying about Peter Mc Verry when she said it on live tv last week
What an odd time to take a break.
Give everyone 3 mins each to wrap up possibly
Every debate Baldy Burton goes on is a further hit for Labour, a walking, talking liability.
Lucinda’s already very wrapped up.
Martin will be grabbing his notes like he is in the crystal maze.
A final section after the break on crime, gangland, SCC and Gerry being in the RA no doubt.
Sturdy, is the word that best describes Lucinda’s legs
That Carrolls ham ad is shocking
How is AK47 getting on the deputy leaders debate on tv3.
Donnelly etc looking impressive is like Gary Neville being admired as an amazing analyst. Turns out real life is messier and harder than analysing from the sidelines. A spot in gov for any of them would quickly remove the wow factor.
What the fuck is Creighton wearing?