Leavin' Gerrard

Surely the end of him now. Villa fans can rest easy in the knowledge they saved Liverpool from having to deal with him

The Yankee Doodle at Leeds can’t be far behind him either

Sacked after an away game.

They’ll be an empty seat on the bus back.

Villa should go for Rodgers. It would be a good move for everyone

Liam Byrne will be glad of the extra pair of hands with Bomber stuck in the nick

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Rodgers might be turning it around at Leicester.

Rodgers is waiting for the pay off, supposedly he has a massive break fee

Marvellous. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

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Sean Dyche come on down

Surely the cunts will bring him home. He can sit beside that other prick Klopp and re-establish the boot room. With any luck he’ll get the gig when Klopp fucks off.

Jesus, Klopp has completely destroyed you.


legend ca GIF



Villa should try for Conte. He has spurs purring

I expect Aston Villa’s next manager to be an Argentine. I’m just not sure which one.

By god

Ah he hasn’t really. One league on 30+ years doesn’t do that. If he had been more successful, he might have done some damage alright.

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