Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

Connacht photograph of 2020 by Fiona Heaney…


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The next I saw was Fenagh Town with her ancient abbey walls
the preaching of her holy monks re-echoes through her halls
I stood with reverence on the spot reluctant for to go
from the town of saints and sages where the Shannon water’s flow

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Seamus O Rourke - that accent ?? A bit Cavanish .

They all talk like that up his way lad,you should hear the way @anon67715551 talks


A belt of a graipe wouldn’t be lost on you - fucker. :wink:

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In typical fashion for me, he’s popular so I am immediately wary.

Also I believe he’s from Carrigallen, on the Cavan border.

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He’s beginning to get on my nerves now

He’s becoming a bit like Katherine Lynch now, in terms of people asking if I know him.

That is shocking company to be keeping.

He was on the County minor team that won the Connacht league in 1983 prior to losing the Connacht Final by a point or two. Barney Breen and Padraig Rooney of Manor were also on it. That’s good enough for he, he’s an alright sort, eeking out an existence in a minefield of theatrical productions. He’s not John McFuckingColgan as I’m sure you’re aware.

I’ll post up a picture of the league winners later, possibly.

He’s RTE’s go to “culchie” at the minute. A bit like @farmerinthecity I’m a bit sick of people asking if I know him.

That’s mildly negative, does he know you is the relevant question in this case. Anyway, as promised…

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And by God but the lovely Edwina was on the News earlier mumming with a few others in Glenfarne with a grand skiffle of snow on the ground. She may have been dancing on a concrete slab in a pair of Doc Martin’s but she has a lovely loose step to her.
There was no evidence of traffic gridlock or shopping mania in Glenfarne so we’re all good there.

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This thread title never fails to amuse me every time it pops up

I saw that ok . Is that the Leitrim equivalent of the Wren Boys .

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Says the man from Laois!



Yes but I didn’t set up a thread on the internet claiming Laois Matters :man_shrugging:

It is,usually a Stephens Day tradition but the lovely Edwina has decided to visit elderly people’s homes.Im told @anon67715551 got an awful hop last week when they pulled up outside his gaff as he was filling the Skoda with “diesel”


:rofl: :wink: A noble tradition, many’s the great Stephen’s Day I’ve knocked out of it. :pint:

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