Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce


Drumcong PO. Last train from Drumshanbo to Ballinamore - 31/03/1959.



Sleepy Eamon unlikely to receive rapturous in the hostile environs of North Leitrim….

It’s the lovely Edwina again! What a girl….cc@Midshipman_Asha


A real character passed away recently. Big Sinn Fein supporter from Kesh. I’m sure @anon67715551 knows who I’m talking about.

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Universally liked by all sides. Encyclopaedic knowledge of your family tree going back generations.
Covered yesterday on the other thread. Mary Lou will delegate the oration to O’Caoláin I’d imagine.

My father was a big FF man and got on great with Gabriel.

Shur’ what could you do but get on with him. I remember him in the Kiltubrid jersey back in the day despite him being a Fenagh parishioner. He’ll get a good send off anyhow.

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One thing I’ll add about Gaby is that he was the county’s, if not the country’s foremost and most fearless canvasser. His knowledge of inter-connections and families histories of voting was legendary.
He wasn’t put off by the knowledge that he wasn’t going to have any success and the threat of the dog being set on him didn’t trouble him in the slightest. “Stick with me this time” was his trademark call.
We would have crossed paths on many a canvass and there was never a rancorous word between sides - understandable as we’d possibly in the same pub at the close of play. A great old campaigner RIP.

The art of canvassing.

My old lad was similar in terms of knowing what type of house it was. He would advise candidates to stay clear of houses not to their liking.

I’d never follow that line, every vote is in play being the motto. Call, state your business and fight your case. You’ll know soon enough which way the wind is blowing but I’d never have it said we didn’t bother to call. Don’t wear out your welcome either, get in - get the vote and get out. Anything beyond that is like going on your céilidh to the householder.
Focail scoir: if drink is offered always accept, it’s manners.

You’d get some cunts that would attack for coming knowing they weren’t FF. That would be a son of a mother who was FF.

My old fella didn’t care much for abuse on the doorstep either. ‘Not manners’ he’d say.

The picture of Gabriel behind pallbearer Carron at Bobby Sands funeral is mad!

Would he have come from Republican stock?

Not that I was ever aware of. That nexus where Fenagh/ Aughnasheelin and Kiltubrid meet would be strongly Republican and I suppose Gaby drifted into the political wing of things. He was at his best either at a match, canvassing or sinking pints. Distant cousins are his nearest and dearest.

My Dad used to meet him in McKeons of Kesh. There was mutual respect there.

McKeons has been sold. A local hero who made good in London. Has 100 employed working for the city of London no less. I asked a lad how he’d accumulated the wealth given that he wasn’t exactly bristling with grey matter as a younger man. Fuck knows says he, he’s able to write his name and Kesh……
Can’t work the Keshcarrigan bit though says he but covers it the finest. 7 en-suite bedrooms to it now, a small boutique hotel it’s now marketed as. Plans to add more if you don’t mind.
Foley is scowling across the road at it……

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A good, if slightly long article by the indefatigable Andy McGovern on the Motor Neuron Disease that has had a profound affect on his life. He’s battled the illness for 40 odd years and is a regular Facebook contributor on historical matters in Leitrim to this day. He’ll be 90 next year and is a gent. He operates the keyboard with a foot pedal as outlined in the article. An exemplary man. Worth a read at least.
