Leitrim Matters, the home of sitka spruce

A great Eslin man in his 60’s passed away this morning, having grown up next door practically to the lady mentioned on another thread who died ‘tragically’, and just down the road from me.

He had the bug, lost his wife to it two years ago and lost his daughter then in her early 20s in 2016 to the bug also.

A lot of sorrow around the Eslin, Mohill and Gortletteragh areas at the moment.

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This gobshite in the news again. He’s afflicted I think. Imagine living inside that head. Aaargh!!!

What a headbanger.

Other than his infamous n comment previously, I have recently heard that he regularly beat the shit out of young lads during his time as a teacher.


One of the last of the heroes of the McGahern novel TTMFTRS has passed to his reward. John Fox, an incredibly quiet and modest man who acquired the garage and railway sheds from The Shah (Pat McManus) has slipped away. He will, in the coming days, be adulated with words of praise and kindness and he would have been absolutely mortified that so many people thought so highly of him.
The light of Heaven to his kind and gentle soul.


Didn’t he work with the Shah for years? At least in the novel he did.

@anon67715551 a book on the fallout of TTMFTRS and the story of the men behind the characters (cc @habanerocat) might be better than the book itself

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Working title “That he may face the rising fury”

Indeed and he did, you might say he was the brains of the operation. The Shah lounged about outside selling petrol and confirming that they’d have that bit of welding done “tomorrow” and if you were looking for tines for a swarth-turner or teeth for an ancient raker he’d inform you that they were on the case immediately. After you’d departed he’d disappear into the cavernous interior and John would then locate whatever you were looking for. There was nearly 2 acres of old sheds containing disused tractors, lorries, cars and vans. The two rarely appeared outside together and if they did the Shah was the spokesman.
Two gents all the same, not a harsh or unkindly word was ever uttered about either.


In an incredible twist of fate Patrick (Packie) Fox - brother of the aforementioned John has also died today. Two brothers in the space of two days……
Even McGahern in his darker moments couldn’t have scripted that ending. I’ve a tear in my eye here….

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Very well put!

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We buried a hugely popular clubman yesterday. No only a clubman but a highly respected referee, Co Board delegate and available to assist in any guise for the benefit of the parish. His status as a Co.Co employee was of enormous benefit in the run up to local or general elections. A lifetime teetotaller he was possessed of a sharp and wicked wit when engaged in serious discussion. A mighty send off until……

I bumped into a great personal friend of mine who was mentioned here before. It went much like this:

B: A decent skin God be good to him.
S: Fuck him, no good, never was.
B: FFS Tommy he was a decent lad, what did he ever do to you?
S: He fucking reneged the King of Hearts the night of the final for the hamper, that’s what he did.
B: What fuckin’ year was that Tommy?
S: The year Leitrim won the Connacht final whatever year that was……Spits…
B: 1994 so Tommy, how did you remember it?
S: Ye we’re all pissed as farts and Bucky thought he’d got away with it but I nailed him….
B: Did you ever renege yourself Tommy?
S: Course I did, everyone does. No harm once you’re not caught….

And we all blessed ourselves, left the graveyard and toddled down the 100yds to toast the deceased.


Scalder? A real FOTF


Who else……

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A legend

What about these statistics…… Dreadful.

FAO @Massey …. You’d expect slightly more from your elected representative .
It’s a fine dog though. Felim is thriving, will he run in the next GE?
Edit…Run might be a bit of an ask in the circumstances.

He’s some slob,can you believe he’s even fathered children.I fuckin hate Gurns pub and especially some of the townies that frequent the bar.I have no time for Gurn either.He won’t run in any GE.

Fair play to SOH,more clubs need to do this.