Leo varadakar caught Teabagging

You called it

What’s this?

Read @TreatyStones post above

Ah right … have they used Chinese identification technology to confirm it’s this lady?


How low will Varadkar sink. What a narcissist.

This is very unedifying

I’d actually fear for that girls safety. The way things are shaping up, Leo could do a Frank Underwood on it and throw her under a train.

That’s a serious accusation to make. Are you willing to stand over it?

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Absolutely not


Met a nurse yesterday who mentioned she worked with Leo when he was a doctor. She said in her 25 years as a nurse he was the worst Doctor she worked with. I naturally asked why and she said there was three reasons.

  1. He was lazy and always making excuses that he was busy when he wasn’t.
  2. He had no bedside manner.
  3. He was a snob and looked down on those who were not Doctors in the hospital.

I’m shocked to hear that.Who’d have thought that.


This has been said here many times.

By me on each occasion.

I heard similar from a friend.

So it was a false flag operation :thinking: