Leo Varadkar

They had to take legal action because of the cosy relationship RTE enjoy with the establishment parties.

Any comment on RTE and Maurice McCabe?

@TheUlteriorMotive is so ratteld heā€™s now liking inane posts from Limerick simpletons.

Does Paul Reynolds represent the entirety of RTE any more than Paddy Oā€™Hooligan, internet WUM Pee Oā€™Neill or noted water boarder Jonathan Downfall represent SF?

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He represents RTE in the duty of his job, did RTE sanction Reynolds? Heā€™s still their crime correspondent.

You are.

So rattled he never replied to the tagged posts about Coach Kloppā€™s heavily depleted team heading over to Bergamo and walking all over the Serie A champions in waiting

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If Liverpool go a goal down he peaks his head in like a snecklifter.

He invariably ends up reversing like a Roma Facist tank commander in Africa in 1943.


Christ Paddy is rattled

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Donā€™t think so pal.

Heā€™s just destroyed Posh Boy Varadkar and seems to be reveling in it.

Hes cracked.


Probably alright, youā€™d fear for Matt really.

No, I was talking about Paddy, I thought it was clear.

Sounded like you were talking about Varadkar, sure Paddy has destroyed him.

No, it was clear I was referring to Paddy.

Which is bizarre. Paddy is the victor here.

Thereā€™s no winners here

The vast swathes of the population who have been pissing themselves laughing at Leo all week are winning.

What percentage of the Irish population qualifies as vast?