Leo Varadkar

I I I I I I I don’t know

I I I I I I I I can’t obviously point to a date

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No I haven’t, you made a statement that he solely did this to help a friend based on “established facts”. You are ignoring another established fact, why?


I’m not ignoring an established fact.

You seem to be contending that he was intimidated to release the document for party political capital now?

You’d have to say that this evening’s vote of confidence now has a lot more than Leo Varadkar’s job at stake. It’s clear that it now is de-facto a proxy vote of confidence in @Tim_Riggins/@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy.

The stakes have never been higher, with many unanswered questions …

Totti … Nembo Kid … Fulvio fro Aughnacloy …

What will be the next rebrand?

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Well you are, you have denied that it was a motivating factor. I don’t know why either. You have weaved a story here and forgotten various parts of it.

I don’t believe he leaked the document to to gain political capital? Are you contending that he did?

I haven’t forgotten various parts of it but what I find interesting is that you know seem to be now contending that Varadkar leaked the document to gain votes which is even worse.

It’s further interesting how you failed and continue to refuse to address a load of other points.

Unlike you I’m not a coward and am confident enough in my position to address anything in relation to it.

Why did Helen McEntee lie on national raido?

I said that he released it because he wanted the deal to get through because it was to his political benefit. This tabs with all established facts.

You are a bit slow.

Juergen Klopp has mentally destroyed poor ol @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy where he has now adopted the Irish State and recognised its legitimacy. The rest of this is bluster.

To his political benefit?

That’s a serious allegation, Varadkar contended he did it for the good of the nation not the for any personal benefit and his political benefit is certainly a vested interest that makes it all the more wrong.

You seem to have got entangled in your own web.

Why do you think he did it in secret, behind the backs of cabinet ministers, the IMO?

Have FF rescued Leo the law breaker?

They won’t be able to rescue him. SF IRA won the election.


That’s 117 times you’ve now said that.

FG were always insiders just as much as FF. They may not have been as brash or conniving as FF but they got as murky with planning/developers and business leaders across the country.

FG hid a lot of this behind the lie they were the law and order party and they wouldn’t get up to the shenanigans of FF…bullshit. A lot of the FG counsellors around the country never bothered their holes fighting to run in General Elections, in many ways these were more sly and conniving with their noses in the trough getting backhanders and planning for themselves and their friends for years.

FG are pissed off now that these dirty SF scumbags have come in off their working class streets and worse from Belfast and are showing them up for what they are. FF are pissed off too but they are yesterdays men, they are finished.

This stuff will just keep coming out and it will be a drip drip of stuff until the next GE is called.

Albert Reynolds said, its the small things that trip you up. Who knows what simple thing will take down the government.

Aren’t the civil servants already looking at a plan for a GE…they know.


We live in interesting times

This thread is going to smash open Varadkar

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You feel he has to go. SF demand it.

Who won the election?

Trump Fein

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