Leo Varadkar

That’s the only reason I can see why you’d have a problem with the great man,

@apple we’re coming for you you cunts

Give over.
I lived with a gay man for 5 years :open_mouth:
I see straight through him and have done for years. He’s a snake.

I’m only messing bro.

Apologies for any offence caused.

none caused… I partially guessed you were drawing me out . Only partially mind.`

He’s not half milking the photo ops :joy:

A dog with a mallet up his hole can see what this fella has been up to from the off.

Would you describe him as a bit needy?

No. Sick or twisted…using this crisis for his own personal gain.

That’s a terrible allegation. Should he stay at home and hide under the bed? Take the dog for a walk?

I don’t give two fucks if he walks his dog or What he gets up to in bed. He’s acting Taoiseach and using his time on the job for Ill purposes. I know that’s standard practice in the states but we want more.

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What should he be doing in your esteemed opinion?

Fucking off out of it and not using it for posturing and photo ops. He was never voted in taoiseach. His party was destroyed at the last election and he himself was destroyed in his own constituency. If he really wants to do good, practice being a doctor again and leave the Scrubs and Independence Day quotes alone.



So himself and Simon Harris should just fuck off and let the crisis manage itself? What you really mean of course is Mary Lou should have been appointed Taoiseach and things would be much better.

You truly are an awful simpleton at times.


You are Absolutely seething. In the middle of a global pandemic where by all objective standards Ireland is doing well so far. Your seethe seems to rise the better we do.

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Yes, that’s the word I used. Well done you.

My word, a man doing his country incredible service at its greatest time of need is still drawing the ire of some. This is truly fascinating to watch.

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Your plebs in the war office never ran enough candidates, get the fuck over it.

Now you’re trying to put words in my mouth in typical know it all fashion.

It’s very simple with Varadkar… All you have to do is follow the audit trail to see his disdain and hatred for the average person. I’m not gonna spoon feed you…nor am I going to give the disgusting pig a pass just because he can read out a speech.

I wouldn’t be a FG man but I have to say I think Leo and Mr Harris are doing well.

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