Leo Varadkar

He’s my taoiseach. I’ll kneel before him


ooh matron

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Don’t forget to cry as well.

Leo has a habit of saying things that aren’t well thought out, and can sometimes come across very badly. He is unusual in that most politicians are better scripted and better at lying. I would judge him and his cabinet on what they are doing during this crisis, and there you have to say they are doing fairly well.

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O captain my captain

I’m worried Leo is working too much, he needs a break

He loves his country too much

I love when someone posts up a clearly made up website name and you see that people have clicked into it as if it was real. 2 gobshites so far anyway


We could do worse than have a good whip-around and send himself and the Simon’s on a good holiday when this is all over.

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They have him answering the phone in a high vis? :smile:

3 & counting :smile:

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Link not working


Rent free


Fuck you @Gman

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SF IRA hate a high vis

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Why does he need help putting on a high viz?


We’re getting nearer to that day

Can you imagine the level of seethe when he has Leo, Harris and dr tony on.

The #concannonbots are failing

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FFG bot @Juhniallio wont like this

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