Leo Varadkar

Martin needs to rotate back to Cark

That was a tour de force from Leo on Claire Byrne live. Magnificent heā€™s the real leader.


Its a sorry state of affairs that the tanaiste, who everyone knows is a self serving weasel, speaks a few lines of basic common sense, espoused on tfk for months, and is hailed as the Messiah.


And he still hasnā€™t been pulled up for his staged smoothie publicity stunt. Heā€™s more Teflon than Bertie and Charlie put together.

We are where we are. Iā€™m sure the govt thought that the general public wouldnt need to whipped into a maelstrom to mobilise the country again and that their jobs and decision making would be made easier by public outcry. The fear spread by media stymied that along with the general malaise that set in over the last 6 months amongst working from home crowd and others who never wanted to work again. This from Varadkar was totally against the grain as a result compelling.

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Hard to believe some Cunt thought it was okay to toss a smoothie on Leo. She should be shot outside Dublin Castle when sheā€™s apprehended.

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Iā€™ve told ye before he has plenty of lurkers here

Declan Kelly productions thought it ok.

Please try and deal in facts

In fairness that was excellent from him, he clearly has been reading up on what other countries are really doing and called out NPHETā€™s half arsed approach to decision making.

You could gather that from five minutes on Google. The bar is set so low for politicians these days itā€™s remarkable.

A huge back track from Leo

Leoā€™s heej hunting with the hounds and running with the hares a bit much lately. Hed want to calm down or hes liable to end up chasing himself into a pack of wolves

Iā€™m not buying this Leo love in at all.

Heā€™s part of a government leading us on the road to nowhere and is massaging his big ego for the last 4 months.

Karen,Brenda and Jasons comments on Newstalk have his PR advisors spooked.

Leo is a master at riding 2 horses with the one arse


Jaysus Iā€™d thought youā€™d died after last night :grin:

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Can you copy and paste it?

From hero to zero on live TV - the dressing down of Tony Holohan shows Leo Varadkarā€™s cheap, nasty and populist streak

I donā€™t have an account but itā€™s a pure attack on Leo