Leo Varadkar

It’s well known he’s behind it, he told the whistle blower to use Village. Says a lot that none of the other msm would touch it

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from which angle?

  1. theyre presstitutes who only do press releases from the govt
  2. they didnt believe the story because of the source

Is that basically saying Leo is a Lawbreaker?

lets just say it significantly undermines the excuses of leo and his colleagues

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Cosgraves quotes :grinning:

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The Irish Times texts/tweets for quotes on a story about the Tanaiste. Also accepts emojis.

Print is finished.

Releasing their legal advice is some craic.

I hope they told Phelan they planned to do that. The end of his “opinion” is the get out clause.

not too sure about that, given he didnt keep harris in the loop

That is gas - “thank you for your instructions of last night to prepare this wafer thin opinion by noon today”. I’ve never heard of this chap, he appears to be an EU law academic.

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The Concannonbots are rattled.

Lemonade stand stuff from Village.

“Not Best Practice”

possibly they should have gone for John Rogers and his eyebrows

We can all agree on that.


The three magic words.

I call it a s-cone in Ireland and on the mainland.

Whilst it’s a refreshing change to see a lad spell “toe” the line correctly, if you think Leo will willingly give up the trappings of power, I have a bridge for sale.
Unfortunately I suspect once he’s ready he will be off to the EU to fill his boots doing fuck all, before returning finally for a double miggledy.