Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus


Fuck all, that’s what.

Nearly all the major technological advancements have come from war in some way or another.

@Brimmer_Bradley @anon7035031

The happiest people don’t have the best of everything… They make the best of everything they have.




I found that article lying on the coffee table when I was feeling demotivated watching Watford thrash Liverpool, and read it as Watford were scoring their third goal. It gave me a much needed pick me up.

Joe definitely looks in here. I wonder where he got the feng shui bit from.

Life is what you make it but it’s a shame of what you don’t make it!

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@Tassotti have you the Christmas tree up yet?
I’m mad to see your artistic effort.

Dipping into a bit of Covey here again…

@Bandage @Tassotti @KinvarasPassion

Great book pal. 2016… Sharpen the saw.


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Thoreau and Emerson, popularizing quantum before quantum was even a thing. Turning in their graves at the thought of cunts like Chopra.
Did you find the peyote?

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Flesh that out for a simpleton like me pal. Is attitude and behavior modification not tge key to change?

You can’t change attitude and behavior without accessing their source. 20 years of intense meditation or if you have 50G to blow a one week quantum healing workshop with Deepshit.

Maybe i just wasnt hugged enough

Or not enough of the strap

Surely the latter for a pup from Gort :wink:

@maroonandwhite - it’s a snippet from a book I’m reading again by Steven Covey. In a nutshell pal, if you would like to make a significant quantum change in your life you need to make changes to your basic paradigms - your assumptions, your frames of reference. If you want to make smaller changes, then go ahead and focus on attitudes and behaviours.

Much of the “self-help” we see today (and for the past 50 years) from the gurus is social image consciousness, influence techniques and quick fixes that address acute issues but leave underlying chronic problems untouched to fester again.

In the previous 150 years, the “gurus” focussed on the foundation of success - integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, etc. There are basic principles of effective living, and people can only experience true success and enduring happiness as they learn and integrate these principles into their basic character.