Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus

Iā€™d say TH, itā€™s too big of a lie to make up.

If I was a tv producer I think a great one-off documentary or Primetime special would be Joe Brolly taking on the self-help industry.

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You make it sound like you played a bigger part in this growth than the bull himself. Well done.

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What amazed me about that story was a CBS having a black tie dinner.

Does anyone remember the point where Joanne lost confidence in Joe?
Did Joe say that was the reason he lost the Sunday Game gig
Iā€™d say Joe canā€™t help himself from stirring things up, hilarious story if itā€™s all true

Does Brolly only have one kidney? First I heard of that.


Brolly is as annoying and shameless as any self help loo-lah or whatever but when he genuinely applies his brain like above heā€™s brilliant, hilarious and lethal in equal measures.


Imagine the grin Brolly had on his face when he finished that article. Wonderful mischief.

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Thatā€™s funny enough from Brolly if itā€™s true. But I actually think McNulty really believes in what heā€™s doing. I donā€™t think heā€™s a devious money making type. There is value in some of those lads helping people to see the wood from the trees. A lot of what Enda comes out with is ridiculous though to be fair.

I ended up at a Bob Proctor event in the RDS one time. Long story. Involuntary attendee. Now there is a grade A money grabbing cunt. Gallons of snake oil. Essentially a massive Ponzi scheme.


I attended a rally by a born again Christian group in America called the Promise Keepers. Stadium rallys, big stage shows and lots of crowd pumping. Lads paying them multiples of seven every month, that was one of their gimmicks. Great stuff altogether.

Fascinating to see the lads on here with fixed mindsets versus growth mindsets.


Sorry to break it to you lads but we cant all be special

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Enda paid himself ā‚¬125k last year leaving a profit of cā‚¬7k in his company.

Slightly higher than a Sinn FĆ©in TD but not outrageous either.

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Agree on mcnulty. No badness in him and probably genuinely helps some people. Brolly on the other hand is a sneery bullying vindictive cunt who takes sets against people and incessantly attacks them. Mcnulty mcgeeney aidan o shea mortimer. Joe is fierce craic though and enda is one of the most boring bastards in Ireland.


What ever you think of a TD they definitely worked more for their money

Ah right. So it was enda who handed a lad a kidney and runs an organ exchange?

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Given my tumultuous history in relationships, I have now decided to become a relationship coach.

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ā€œRelationships, the hard right wayā€


Thereā€™s already a hape of books about relationships out there. What do you think your book about catholic assexuality will offer thatā€™s unique?


Because I know how to ruin a relationship.

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