Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus

With a defeatist attitude like that itā€™s no wonder thereā€™s no club football in Tyrone

I know what Iā€™m good at.

Youā€™re more qualified than some. At least you texted a girl a few times. I know a ā€˜qualifiedā€™ life coach who has extra ā€˜qualificationsā€™ in relationship and parenting coaching. Heā€™s late 20s, has never lived anywhere apart from with his mam, has never had a relationship and has no children. He has one niece thoughā€¦


ā€œHow to Repel the Woman of your Dreamsā€ by Fulvio from Aughnacloy.

I am a 38 year old man who drives a forklift. That hasnā€™t stopped me driving away some of the most beautiful women on earth. Iā€™m an average guy but the last woman i disgusted was a 21 year old bikini model.For only $19.99 I will teach you all the repulsive techniques that you need to know.

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Cc @tassotti

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cc @TheUlteriorMotive unmissable event

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McGinley is the Bressie of the Corporate speaking scene.

Heā€™s dining out quite literally on putting a fish bowl on display in the European team room during the Ryder Cup. :open_mouth:

Some lad posted up a video of that AOC lassie discussing how brave and wonderful she isā€¦YouTube suggested this as a follow up. Some man for one man.

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CC Shane Oā€™Neill, Tony Og Regan

We have a dissenter

I must say this is a very interesting read.

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Iā€™m dipping in and out of this at moment. A good accompaniment

Macy and Golder found that with remarkable consistency ā€“ and regardless of time of year ā€“ peopleā€™s positive emotions rose in strength as the morning progressed and then fell significantly in the afternoon, before climbing back in the evening. ā€œWhether a tweeter was North American or Asian, Muslim or atheist, black, white or brown, it didnā€™t matter,ā€ Daniel Pink tells us. ā€œAcross continents and time zones was the same daily oscillation ā€“ a peak, a trough and a rebound.ā€

In other words, regardless of culture or differing daily rituals, our moods follow a rigorous pattern that is ā€œcrucial, unexpected and revealingā€, according to Pink who believes the quality of the decisions we make are closely linked with their timing. Essentially, morning is a good time for coming to a judgment and afternoon is bad, he argues, backing the claim by quoting many other studies that show people tend to perform better in the morning and worse in the afternoon.

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I like this. I saw a report on a study somewhere about parole board findings which echoed this. Also best times for interviews auditions etc.


Asking for something right before lunchtime is possibly worst time of day to do it.

Itā€™s fascinating stuff.

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Yep. My sister in law used to produce ads. She said it was crazy the imbalance of when people who got hired. Nearly always first few auditions of the morning or straight after the coffee break. Occasionally last in the day. Good to know when scheduling an interview.

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CC @iron_mike & @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy