Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus

That reminds me…


Nick Cascone is class.

This video in under 10 minutes pretty much sums up my thoughts on mental health.

I’ll give that a listen…but your taste in gurus would want to be better than your taste.in music

Fuck that



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Last one about No is very rapey

If you fail twice is it a sail?

Fourth is defo a FAIL

The best of them all.


That’s great advice

If lads embraced Grace and rejected Spite they’d be a lot happier

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Yup. Even round here, there’s way too much negativity and spite lately. I’d say you could count on one hand lads who are relatively content here.

Fuck that… That’s what brought me here and keeps me here

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Weekes is a legend.

All through your life, the most precious experiences seem to vanish. Transience turns everything to air. You look behind and see no sign even of a yesterday that was so intense. Yet in truth, nothing ever disappears, nothing is lost. Everything that happens to us in the world passes into us. It all becomes part of the inner temple of the soul and it can never be lost. This is the art of the soul: to harvest your deeper life from all the seasons of your experience. This is probably why the soul never surfaces fully. The intimacy and tenderness of its light would blind us. We continue in our days to wander between the shadowing and the brightening, while all the time a more subtle brightness sustains us. If we could but realize the sureness around us, we would be much more courageous in our lives. The frames of anxiety that keep us caged would dissolve. We would live the life we love and in that way, day by day, free our future from the weight of regret.

  • John O Donohue




Excellent video.

cc @Spidey @Lazarus @Horsebox @KinvarasPassion @Bisto


You are my spirit animal :heart:

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