Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus


I’m informed it’s a pile of shit and the AI is so shit the answers it gives are so obvious so he won’t be using it.

The mule headed East Galwayness must be genetic.


From my (online) spin instructor this morning:

:star:*Change is inevitable, growth is not.*:star:


Which ones do you do?

Peloton ones - through the app rather than a Peloton bike. I’ve “smartened” the experience by linking a cadence sensor and Apple Watch but I think I’d like to get an actual Peloton. Awful hardship to get one into the country though.

Nice. I have a Peloton that I shipped it back from my place in the US. I’ve friends using the Keiser bikes with the Pelo app like yourself. I’m a Ben Aldis man myself.

If you are ever on International Business in London or the US, a Soul Cycle class as a treat can’t be recommended enough. A passionate and life affirming experience.


That bollox could do with some therapy.

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“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

This is an excellent book in my opinion.


@KinvarasPassion sends him a monthly tithe I believe

Money well spent.

Glenamaddys own Tony Robbins.

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I was at a Gerry Hussey seminar in cork a few years back( look I got a free ticket ok)
he seems like a terribly nice fella but was deffo spouting a lot of shite.
At the end of the seminar he invited people to ask him questions etc… one woman stood up and said she had a great job working with great people but felt she couldnt grow much further within the particular company. The problem was that in her chosen career for her to grow she would have to move abroad and as she was married with kids and a mortgage she felt like she had a dilemma . Next thing without thinking on it too hard Gerry says quit the job, just do it!! I found that shocking and irresponsible for him to just throw that out there without having a decent conversation with her, I also understand that people are awful foolish so if she went along with his advice then that was all on her.

Judgment hinders imagination pal…

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Whats the gist of it? Thanks be mentioned this before but eastern philosophy contradicts the recent western maxim of becoming your true self, since a person is/should be always growing and changing there is no such thing. That rang true to me.

I’ve read loads of glowing reports about Flourishing by Maureen Gaffney so I bought it last week but I haven’t started reading it yet which isn’t much use to me.

Flourishing is good but very heavy.

The gist of Hussey’s book is that at the base of all the noise around living and owning stuff etc is a human being with primal requirements around spirituality and not being fulfilled there will cause problems. I’m probably not explaining it correctly it.

For me all it comes down to is the present moment and the sensations in that. It’s the only thing that’s real. Everything else is mind projections and labels.


Thanks roger :+1:


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What’s going on here pal ?

Reading back including the typos I’m not sure myself.

Eastern philosophy says you should always be growing and changing, therefore there is no “true self” to hold to. The true self is a recent western concept and the chinese would say that if you remain your “true self” you are not growing as a person, so you’re stagnating.

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