Lessons for life from self appointed self help gurus

It’s a minefield … I would have thought that growing and changing eventually helps you to reveal your true self …

Every time you undergo a new experience you learn and change, you will never be the same at 16 as at 21, 40, 60, 80 and so on. Or if you are there’s probably something wrong with you.


Or you just never really left your original environment … going outside your comfort zone and all that

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You are getting very deep in your middle age

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Exactly. The challenge is to grow. To continually challenge yourself. To remain unchanged is to stagnate. As Eleanor Roosevelt said, ‘A beautiful young person is an accident of nature but a beautiful old person is a work of Art.’


I don’t think a lot of it is rocket science …
stay doing the same thing and you’ll never know what’s out there but a lot of people are perfectly fine with that … others are more restless/curious and need to move about…some people believe where they were born is the centre of the world , others believe there is no centre and mix in different environments more …

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My understanding of Eastern Philosophy is that there is no self. ‘I’ am basically consciousness in the present moment - I don’t have a name, a nationality, even a gender. These are all labels created by the mind.

All these are just labels, we know that music is music.

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That’s it bro. And it’s present moment based. You can’t experience the best part of a song until you actually hear it.

And then it’s gone.

‘The moments already passed - yeah it’s gone’


Have you encountered Tunde yet?

If all these self help books are so great why do you keep buying new ones?


Because there is no answer.


In that case it’s probably best to stop looking for one

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There is no spoon

If there is no answer, what was the question?

I’m not looking for one.

You’re in with a good chance then

Ah, you’re from Dublin pal

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We’re about overdue a war or a famine.