Let's All Laugh At Sevco Thread

Agreed, comes across as an arrogant spoofer but they’d backed him so much in summer signings you’d think they’d give him more time with injuries etc. I just hope they haven’t big lined up

I’d say not. I’d say the board were more worried about their personal safety given the level of venom. The fans absolutely despised him. His position was untenable after Saturday, and probably in truth after the Motherwell game. His signings have all played worse than the players he got rid of. That may be chicken or egg. :person_shrugging:
Fwank, the specialist in failure next up I reckon.

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Steve Davis (not the snooker player!!) and……Alex Rae interim management team as Davis doesn’t have the necessary coaching licenses.

Davis is a Hun to the bones.

Rae has had a few first team coach jobs but hardly any pedigree or success in them. He’s more regularly found fighting with the English language on co-commentary or pundit duties for Hun games. He seems as thick as shit. It smacks of another panicked move by them - they’re not a very well run club. It might ultimately be Lampard, who’s been spoken about in the last week or so, but I wouldn’t have thought they’d need to announce an interim set up in that case as he’s out of work at the moment & would in theory be ready to step in.

Beale came in full of bluster & bravado, it was amusing seeing him trying to wind up Ange in the media last season. Their summer rebuild looks pretty crap at this early stage & that’s cost him. Losing the derby at the start of September was probably the beginning of the end for him.

Supposedly he turned up at a game in the directors box while GVB was still the manager.

I hate to potentially jinx it but that dessers lad looked absolutely awful.

They never should have sacked GVB. Even though he was obviously an ex player they never really took to him as being a proper hun


Bielsa isn’t that far out in the betting. I’ll be sick if he goes there. Albeit it’ll end in tears.

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He just took over as Uruguay manager. He won’t be in the running.

I hope they consider Stephen Kenny for the job


Hopefully they do something stupid like appoint Barry Ferguson or something.

Frank Lampard would be pretty funny too, but I think they can go funnier.

Ally McCoist back maybe

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Uncle Tom English from a few months back.


It’ll be that horrible scrote they were talking about for the Celtic job probably.

Muscrote I’m hearing alright :face_vomiting:

Bring back Dave King

I think they’re in a massive bind because they need a lot of investment/money or, failing that, real patience to build up the club with a long term strategic plan.

But they’re skint (ruling out option 1) & their inherent “we are the people” sense of entitlement & superiority & lack of humility will mean they’re always going to attempt the quick fix (ruling out option 2).

Alex Rae will be soon back driving the hearse.

Big Sam has said he’s interested. Dunno how that’s gonna go down in Limerick

Well given Sevco are closer to the drop zone than the top of the table he may not be a bad shout… style of football would rule him out from a supporters point of view.

The fact that he’s a cnut would rule him in though