Liam Gallagher Appreciation Thread

Liamā€™s missus is some bidniz woman. He was down on his Oxters.

Heā€™s now had three number one albums, played Knebworth and collabs with Clarkeā€™s, CP Company, Snow Peak and Nigel Carbourn.

Heā€™s box office.

He is once he finally realised he couldnā€™t write songs.

at least he admits he canā€™t in fairness . Call in the cavalry and bobs yer uncle

@Spidey how do I get the LG2s on sale on 14 July? I missed out on the Todmorden smock. Canā€™t miss these. The bloody bots move too fast.

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I bought two of those in the end.

A good pal of mine used to work in IT in PwC. When it came to concert ticket sales, he would use the whole company Internet bandwidth for himself for a couple of minutes to purchase his tickets and then release it back to the plebs with no one none the wiser. Throw a The IT crowd T-shirt towards the gremlins in IT and ask them to do the same for you on Bastille Day.

Ps they look mint but would be destroyed after the first false step on Kilmainhamā€™s hilly banks



Wan more sleep


I thought you werenā€™t going to this gig as you were afraid your work subordinates would see you and it would look unprofessional.

Not very Liam.

Iā€™m going mate, mad fer it me.


the Gallaghers uncle is a rough auld cunt that made a few bob in Quarrying. Some nosey cunt was asking him about the nephews above in the pub in Bellewstown and he says in a pure thick Meath accent

ā€œAll I know is thereā€™s more money in Rock and Roll than there is in Rock and Shtoneā€¦ haw haw hawā€


Cā€™mon you know

I had to say I was unable to attend a corporate shindig for American football as I had a ā€œfamily eventā€

The Charlatans supporting set list looks great too.


While Tim is a tosser, the Charlatans are great live and have some back catalogue

Cā€™mon, cā€™mon, cā€™mon, cā€™mon
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Cā€™mon, cā€™mon, cā€™mon, cā€™mon
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah, yeah, yeah!


His haircut in the only one I know video will never be bettered

I remember seeing them around 1990 and loving everything about them


I had same haircut circa 94/95 although it was more Clint boonesque - it became more Liam G standing on shoulder of giants in college


Gave away 2 tickets to a pal. Why? Well, didnā€™t realise until very very very recently (this evening) that it was our anniversary Sunday.

Given the reaction to saying 'guess what, weā€™re going to Liam Gallagher", think she must be more of a Blur fanā€¦

Should be great gig. Enjoy ye cunts

The gig in PUC with Prodigy opening and gig finishing with Liam on his knees bowing to Lennon, Marley and others on the big screen, sun belting dow was best gig I was ever at. Unreal

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Floored a tray of lemon hooch on the way down. Shat everywhere


That year or two was both the advent and peak of alcopops. Top of conversation with Joe Duffy. Lads absolutely ballbagged lashing it down.

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Smirnoff ice as a mixer with vodka.

Glory days.

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Was there too. Car load of us in my motor headed down. Parked up opposite Kent Station and went into the nearest boozer. Drank the shit out of it all afternoon. Down to the concert. I was driving so I stopped drinking then. Brilliant gig, fireworks at the end, longest walk ever back into town, 2l of 7up then drive back home.