Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Informative rating.

In all seriousness, I dunno, they’d bate Waterford in the Munster Final after a replay so who knows how the final would have played out. Waterford did win the U21 three years later fairly pulling up.

Pulling up? They steamrolled the fucking thing. One of the finest performances I’ve ever seen

‘The boys had a long enough break in 2020’: John Kiely won’t accept fatigue as an excuse


Kiely is starting to give a bit more to interviewers.

Confidence I suppose.

Kiely is a proper leader of men. Says a lot there in an articulate fashion without resorting to bluster or buzz words.


Half of them gone down with the virus is what I hear. I suppose there were some undisclosed celebrations. Will they recover fully after it?

Mo Salah hasn’t kicked a ball since getting it.

Mo Salah and Trent are both fucked after it. They look bollixed… Big worry alright.

The Limerick lads should be afforded time for some warm weather training in Sandy Lane and Cancun. If Dermot Desmond sends Celtic to Dubai JP should step up.

According to the weight of opinion on TFK the virus is only a cod and so it won’t affect them at all.

In any event, I’ve been listening to Anthony Daly and he seems to be of the view that Limerick have better lads on the bench than other teams have to start.

For high performance athletes that 5% at the top can go missing, and when it does, it’s hard to get back.

To be honest, given the extreme physical demands of how we play, you wouldn’t be surprised to see a serious dip in form of certain players at some stage. Hegarty and Hayes appear to be freak athletes, but I’m constantly astounded at the ground Tom Morrissey covers for the size of him. It’s incredible. Couldn’t keep that up long term, surely.

that still keeps us 20% ahead of the chasing pack.

No excuses with John.

Had the chance to make a song and dance about being wronged by a terrible call in 2019. Said nothing. Can back the following year and walked all over the cunts. Proper manager. Proper leader. Proper man.


It was a good run but it had to end sometime. Ah well… Hopefully we can be competitive anyway.

Try and retain the league title for the 3-in-a-row and anything else is a bonus.