Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Dunno. Could have worked out worse for them. Poking a bear very early on can turn out nasty.

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Any amount of them linked with South Liberties, I think he was born in Limerick into that parish

You donā€™t say. Amazing itā€™s never been mentioned here before

Now now.

Robocop did his worse that day to us, Soky has had to take a year off to recover. Sore neck from looking at the ball going over.

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Not enough scores in matches as it is? The rules currently do favour the attacker.

Youā€™ve lads complaining that scores are being gotten too easily because Limerick are hitting 30 odd a game and ye want to give us penalties for taking players on and getting hauled down?? :laughing: For fuck sake weā€™ll have it mastered after 3 league games and will end up hitting 4-28 on average a game, isnā€™t it enough for us to be beating the shite out of everyone without hitting goals, will ye stop for fuck sake :rollseyes:


Hegarty would be going down instead of overpowering would be tacklers and tapping over a point. Heā€™d do untold


Instead of just tapping them over from 70 yards off his weak side heā€™ll just take off until heā€™s hauled down, sure heā€™ll have to practice slowing down a bit so a few of the slower lads like Pawdee Marr can catch him but Kinnerk will have them expertly doing that after a few weeks

Hurling changes. Teams will be all out looking how to stop Limerick. Hopefully Limerick can work with their forwards about timing to take goals and finishing them

Imo they donā€™t for goal chances. Itā€™s rare now a team doesnā€™t have a sweeper or men back.

If a forward turns his man and goes through on goal heā€™ll invariably have to beat another man. Whereā€™s in the past when a forward turned his man he was through on goal When it was usually man v man.

Imo if you go through on goal it should be automatically a yellow card if you are brought down.

Letā€™s say If it happens twice in a game where two separate defenders haul their men down id like to see a fella walk for persistent fouling. After a few league games youā€™d see fellas trying to defend and not just automatically hauling the attacker to the ground like we are seeing now.

I presume limerick are the first team to win an all Ireland with scoring a goal in a Munster, all ireland semi final and all Ireland final.

It isnā€™t about limerick ffs. The rules always change. No different to the Anthony Nash penalty stuff. Fuck all craic seeing a defender just pull a lad to the ground.

Galway didnā€™t score a goal in the 2017 championship afaik

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thats not my point. my point is about limerick getting goals

Oh ya fair enough it would suit limerick imo and be better for the game. Everyone loves goals.

I suppose what Iā€™m saying is the way hurling is other teams will try to cut out your strengths. Limerick have not yet got to a stage which I think is in them, to have the awareness to go for goal and know the finish. They have the forwards.

Oh ya I donā€™t think the rule chances would pose any bother for limerick. I just think the attacker should be favoured in those situations. There is no skill in just pulling a fella to the ground.

kilkeeny have been doing it for years. I know the Hannon one on Hutchison early on (that was two early goal chances btw, he should have passed it before the hit, Fagan had a great chance too)

The winning/best teams will always push the boundaries of the rules.

But I think teams (ALL of them) will work on stopping Limerick and we will need to work on our goal getting