Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

I’d happily have a penalty for any denial of a goalscoring opportunity if a player is fouled. Why wouldn’t anybody pull a player down with the current rules? I certainly would. You play the rules that are there; if they were more penal, players’ behaviour will change.

The problem is that if they did change the rule, there would undoubtedly be some soft penalties given in some league game early in the year and there would be uproar in the media from certain mouthpieces and the rule would probably be reversed, and back to cynicism.

The game is fine.

No it’s not. First few minutes of the all Ireland final a Waterford player turns for goal and Hannon chops him down. There’s no real skill In that and he stops a Clear goal scoring chance. It’s not fair on the attacking team.

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Hurling is finished

It’ll be class when they change the rules and Limerick start going for goals, imagine the bleating out of Tipp when we bang in three in the first half :smiley:

They learned from the best

so what?
what’s he supposed to do leave him walk in on the goalie?

Signs on if this was brought in you’d have the same cunts moaning that there was too many cards or too many goals.

The game is fine

Murphy is charging there

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Nope but he should be punished more severely.

Wasn’t Cian Lynch taken down by De Burca and he running in on goal?

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Great opportunity for Anthony Nash to learn from his cousin what it takes to be a champion.


Yep sure you’d be mad not to do it. Completely favours the defender imo. Need to increase the punishment or it’ll end up like football when everybody was being dragged down.

Has he relations in Limerick?

Poor chap is sick the father left limerick for Kanturk

Hutchinson it was going through, cynical

He held onto the ball too long. Could have passed it inside.

Yep dunno why people get so defensive about it. Imo the rules should favour the attacker not the defenders. It’s tough enough at the moment for attackers to score goals with so many double marked.

tenor (46)

Just means we will start averaging 40 points a game

Ye’d have only lost by 8 had he buried it