Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Very embarrassing for the hardcore limerick gaa fans on here.

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Ah that makes sense did he move to Ahane then? That’s what was listed on the Limerick GAA website for the panel

Southside Gsels in hurling

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Cian Casey’s club is Ahane. Not Claughaun. This is simply a fact. The newspaper article is incorrect.

I know exactly who the article was referring to. I was simply pointing out the shodiness of it. If you are going to make a grand point and use the story of one young lad as your central point, then at least get the facts right.

He was not on the 20s panel in 2020 and I’d seriously doubt he will be on it in 2021.

That was not directed at you bud

The point of the article wasn’t taking a swing at hurling or fellas opting for it. The article is pointing at the shambles of the irfu below the professional game and comparing it to the GAA in Limerick in particular. Limerick is a good example for this as the GAA has got its shit together and winning while in the same area rugby is falling apart. But even as you said he won’t be on the panel but still has opted for hurling over AIL rugby is point and case that rugby is in trouble in ireland

Oh I understand the point of the article. It’s just a bit shoddy I think, and was pointing that out.

Anyway, the pitting of the 2 sports against each other is a bit clichéd and strange. In my opinion they have zero effect on each other at all, outside of the odd talented player out around the suburbs who has a choice to make. It’s irrelevant out the County as they just don’t come into conflict. In fact there’d be more conflict between soccer and hurling if anything.

Rugby is dying for numerous reasons but I really don’t think the success of the Limerick hurlers has anything to do with it.

Agreed Limerick hurlers have nothing to do with it. But its a shot against rugby and the treatment of the grassroots. I don’t know how much you know about club rugby in ireland but its been treated pretty shit for years considering the level and players who have gone on to play professional out of it. Compare that to GAA where the club is the heart of the organisation and is well supported by the association. Its chalk and cheese. A lot of what the GAA does right is what the IRFU isn’t doing. These are the factors that are killing the clubs

On top of all that, parents just don’t want their kids playing rugby. Right or wrong, there has been a shift in recent years in that a lot of young parents out there don’t fancy sending their kids there. It really is as simple as that.

I have always viewed the Rugby clubs in my area as a bit removed and aloof from the community. A bit of an old boys club feel about it. GAA clubs just don’t have that vibe about them.

Some are stuck in the old ways same as the branch and Union. Ticket allocations being a big one. Tbh there is a shift happening more and more I feel. I’ve advocated a fuck munster attitude for several years now and its starting to grow. The IRFU need to get there house in order or the tipping point will come.
But on the article rugby set are jealous of hurlings success and are kicking themselves for missing a trick. They had the popular local power in the 90s and backed the wrong horse

Rugby clubs are the most clannish of any sport, fathers and Granfathers played for Garryowen so young Tarkwin will do the same while the two older generations clap them on with the blue and white scarf and cream trench coat ensemble.

Yes that’s there among “rugby people”. But as a sport /social circle I think rugby has lost the social status appeal, the social ladder element, that it once had too. That was certainly an element of it’s popularity in some areas.

With that element gone or at least greatly diminished, modern middle class parents just see it as an unnecessarily dangerous sport.

Not to mention the questionable ‘boys will be boys’ type of culture at the adult end of things. Is there anything fucking worse than coming across a rugby team on the piss? Christ above


They’re not referring to Cian Casey. The player in question is John Moloney, who didn’t make the 20s panel, due to injury, in the end.


I didn’t :joy:

I wouldn’t be much of a coffee drinker but I’ll drop by some day. Got to admire the most of his entrepreneurial spirit anyway! Hope it works out well for him.

Informative. I presumed it was Casey and the current club was incorrect in the article. Thanks.

Didn’t think he’d be at that level hurling wise

We are the champions.

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We attained the levels of greatness that I have been going on about on this forum for years. We don’t fuck around. We do it with class and contempt for those who doubt. This will last fr years.

Ye play Westlife in the dressing room. Leave it out.